MiFiWriters is once again proud to partner with the Herrick District Library to bring you the 2nd annual Get Published! event on Saturday, April 22. The event will focus on three topics critical to writers seeking to get their work published: Plot Construction and Conflict, Writing the Opening Paragraph, and the Query Letter. Each panel discussion will be followed by a working session where attendees can immediately practice the techniques discussed and receive feedback.

Bring your laptop, your favorite pen and paper, or whatever writing implement you favor — the workshops will be truly working sessions. You can bring your current work-in-progress to edit, you can start something new, or you can approach the workshops simply as an exercise to practice the techniques discussed in the panels.

The event is free and runs 9:50-4:15. Doors open at 9:30. Pre-registration is open at herrickdl.org. Herrick Library is located at:

300 S River Ave
Holland, MI 49423

MiFiWriters is an independent publisher based in Holland, Michigan. The company publishes an annual short story anthology of themed speculative fiction featuring the voices of new writers from Michigan and around the world.

Other Participating Publishers

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Get Published! 2017

Schedule of Events
9:30-9:50 Check In/Registration – Bookstore Open
9:50-10:00 Welcome
10:00-10:45 Panel Discussion: Plot Structure and Conflict
Plot and conflict drives your story. Having a roadmap is extremely helpful. There are a lot of different ways to get from beginning to conclusion. What happens between those points determines the success of the project. This session will discuss different methods of plotting as well as identifying and amplifying conflicts and motivations to keep your reader engaged.
10:45-11:25 Workshop – Plot: SciFi/Fantasy, Children/Teens, General
Using guidelines discussed in the panel session, you will plot out a potential roadmap for your story or novel. You may use a current project or develop one from prompt pictures that will be provided. You will be able to share with attendees and receive feedback and guidance.
11:25-12:45 Lunch Break, bookstore open
12:45-1:30 Panel Discussion: Hooking your Reader, Writing the Opening Paragraph
Readers are impatient. Writers do not have the luxury of “developing” their novels or stories with lengthy sections of prose – no matter how well written. Readers must be “hooked” emotionally from the very first page – often from the first line or paragraph. This panel will explore the art of writing and re- writing the opening paragraph for maximum impact.
1:30-2:15 Workshop – Writing the Opening Paragraph: SciFi/Fantasy, Children/Teens, General
Using the plot developed in the previous workshop, attendees will practice writing that critical opening Paragraph. Discussion and feedback to follow.
2:15-2:30 Break – Bookstore Open
2:30-3:15 Panel Discussion: Writing the Query Letter
A writer cannot get published if an editor won’t read their work. The query letter must be crafted with the same diligence and care as the work itself. The panel will discuss basic query letter formats with the understanding that each agent and publishing house posts individual requirements for submission that must be followed. Also discussed will be the all-important “hook” that motivates the receiver to read your sample or story.
3:15-4:00 Workshop: Query Letter
Attendees will practice writing the “hook” that opens their query letter: a 50 words or less description of their story or novel that will motivate the editor/agent to read more. Feedback and discussion will follow.
4:00-4:15 Closing, feedback forms and DOOR PRIZES.
4:15 Bookstore Open


Schedule … coming soon!


Poster … coming soon!
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